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Boot Windows 8 in 2 Seconds

With the anticipated launch of Microsoft's new operating system, Windows 8, some interesting information has been released regarding the boot time for the computer for when you flick the switch first thing in a morning. No more waiting for minutes, no more going to make a coffee or having a chat, the new system will boot in only 2 seconds! Yes just 2 seconds!Windows 8 starts up in only 2 seconds
Microsoft have come up with this method as data shows that 57% of desktop PC users and 45% of laptop users shut down their machines rather than putting them to sleep. Overall, half of all of users shut down their machines rather than putting them to sleep. This large part of their customer base therefore would like to see some improvement on start up times compared to Windows 7 but did anyone really see this coming! 2 Seconds!
This improvement has been made in two areas. First the system will use the power of multiple processors cores to speed up the start-up routine working in tandem together. Second the "kernel space" or the system services will never completely shut down but just simply hibernate making it quicker to load from hibernation rather than total shutdown.
Check out the video below which Microsoft has realeased to show this new improvement to the start up routine.
However before you get too carried away with wanting to get this new operating system, Microsoft have back tracked in the last couple of months on the exact date for the operating system being realeased. They say that it is more likely that new patches for Windows 7 will be realeased first before the formal annoucnement, timing and naming of the new system will be made public.
For more information on the new Windows 8 operating system, read the Microsoft blog post for yourself here
If in the mean time you need to improve the start up speed of your computer, contact our friends over at Byte IT for a range of IT based services.
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