What is a Content Mangement System? A Content Mangement System pretty much speaks for itself. It is the feature that should to be built into a website database in order for you to add, update, edit and remove information all at the click of a button. A good CMS system will also have the capabilities to: At IMS our CMS system is the best that you will find. You can do all of the above and more, anywhere, anytime from any computer in the world. As one of the key factors in staying at the top of search results is the constant and reguallar updating of your website, it is key to have a CMS built into your website. At IMS all of our projects come with a built in CMS database meaning that you can change pretty much anything and everything within the text area as and when you choose. To find out more on how a website from IMS can improve the performance and efficency of your business, contact us today for a free consultation on how we can help to bring your organisation into the 21st century. |